How Dentists Clean Your Teeth

If you want your teeth to last as long as possible, it is important for you to take good care of them. Even though you brush and floss regularly, it is also important to visit the dentist for regular cleanings. In general, you should go to the dentist’s office every six months.
At Aria Dental, we are always available to help you clean your teeth, and it is our job to prevent oral health problems from developing. Learn more about what you should expect when you visit the dentist below, and reach out to us to schedule an appointment.
The Hygienist Will Brush and Floss Your Teeth
When you visit the dentist, the first step is for the dental hygienist to brush and floss your teeth. While you probably do this on your own already, the hygienist simply has a better angle. He or she can make sure that all areas of your mouth are properly cleaned, and this is the first step in cleaning your mouth.
This will also make it easier for the hygienist to see what other parts of your mouth deserve a bit of extra attention. That way, you know that your teeth will be as clean as possible when you leave the office.
Plaque and Tartar Are Removed
After flossing your teeth, the next step is to remove any plaque or tartar that might be present. This is one of the biggest reasons why you need to go to the dentist regularly. No matter how well you brush and floss your teeth, you will not be able to remove all of the plaque and tartar from the surfaces of your teeth.
This is a biofilm that is incredibly difficult to remove, and that is why the dental hygienist will use a tool called a scaler. The scaler is used to remove plaque and tartar that otherwise will not come off. During the process, the dental hygienist will do everything in his or her power to keep you comfortable.
Fluoride Is Applied
Once the scaler is done, the dental hygienist may apply fluoride to your teeth. Even though you probably already use toothpaste that has fluoride in it, it is important to make sure your teeth are properly protected. Fluoride plays an important role in this. Fluoride is critical because it gives your teeth an extra layer of protection.
It binds to the enamel on the surface of your teeth, making it harder for bacteria get to dig into the enamel and cause oral tooth decay. During this process, the dental hygienist may also talk with you about the specific type of toothpaste you use. That way, you use toothpaste that can protect your teeth from harm.
The Dentist Checks Your Teeth
Once the dental hygienist is done, the dentist will come into the room and do a thorough check of your teeth. Of course, the dentist will also check the job of a dental hygienist to make sure your teeth have been cleaned appropriately. Then, the dentist will look at a few key components, including:
- The dentist will take a close look at your teeth for any signs of oral tooth decay. If there are any cavities present, the dentist will let you know what the process will be like to fill them.
- The dentist will also take a look at your gums to make sure there are no signs of gingivitis. If the dentist has concerns about the health of your gums, he or she will talk with you about them.
- Finally, the dentist will also take a look at your cheeks and tongue to make sure there are no unusual growths. Even though this is highly unusual, the dentist is in the perfect location to check the inside of your mouth.
The dentist will take a few minutes to talk with you about the results of the check. Then, the dentist will also explain to you what you need to do to protect your teeth moving forward.
Call Aria Dental To Make an Appointment Today
Ultimately, this is just a broad overview of what you should expect when you visit the office for a routine cleaning. There is a chance that the dentist may also order x-rays to make sure everything is fine underneath the surface. At Aria Dental, we have already worked with countless patients to help them take care of their teeth, and it would be our pleasure to help you as well.
We can help patients of all ages, so do not hesitate to reach out to us with any questions or concerns. Then, make sure you call us to make an appointment for a cleaning every six months.